What Do COVID-19 Vaccines Mean For Toronto Orthodontic Offices?
With the recent rollout of COVID-19 vaccines in Canada, we want to talk about what this means for Toronto, and our orthodontic communities. Joining Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson is now the fourth manufacturer approved to help Canadians stay safe. As more vaccines start arriving, we want you to know where orthodontic clinics fall in line, as well as the health measures we have in place at York Mills Orthodontics to help keep you safe!
Who Gets It First?
Health-care workers have been divided into four categories based on their risk of exposure to COVID-19. The “highest priority,” includes acute-care staff in hospitals, and COVID-19 frontline workers. Next, is “very high priority,” where you’ll find orthodontic clinics like us, as well as walk-in clinics, and pharmacies. With some manufacturers showing a success rate of 95%, we feel good knowing we are doing our part to help keep our communities safe!
How Are We Doing Our Part?
Dr. Morrow’s main focus will always be the health and safety of our patients and staff. That’s why when it was our team’s turn to get the COVID-19 vaccine, we made it top priority! In our clinic, face masks are mandatory, and our team will be in full COVID-19 protective gear including goggles, gloves, mask, and face shield. Don’t be alarmed if we are taking an extra minute before your appointment. We make sure everything is properly sanitized, and disinfected before each patient. To help keep us six feet apart, we ask you to wait in your car upon arrival, and to call us once you are ready to come in. Everyone who comes to our office is required to complete the online pre-screening questionnaire which can be found on our website, as well as having their temperature checked. All high contact areas such as children’s games, beverage station and magazine rack continue to be closed.
Let’s Talk
If you or someone you live with, has not been feeling well in the past two weeks, or if you have been in contact with someone who has not been feeling well, then please contact us as soon as possible so we can reschedule your appointment. As each of us awaits our turn to be fully vaccinated, we want you to know our clinic has never been safer. For more info, please call us at 1-866-486-4876 or email us at info@yorkmillsortho.ca. We would love to answer any questions you may have!