Video Message Updates From Dr. Morrow
Video Message Updates From
Dr. Morrow
NEW! How we are preparing to reopen:

To Our York Mills Orthodontics Patients and Families,
To Our
York Mills Orthodontics Patients and Families,
Due to the on-going recommendations relating to COVID-19, from our regulatory body (Royal College Of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, RCDSO), as well as directions which have been mandated by our government bodies, we at York Mills Orthodontics are required to postpone all orthodontic treatment indefinitely, until we are advised otherwise. With our priority to maintain the absolute safety of our patients, staff and their families, it is essential that we strictly follow the requirements that have been imposed on us.
This is a very challenging and stressful time for all of us, and we know that many of you may be wondering about the status of your or child’s orthodontic treatment. We do not want this to cause you any additional stress. Please rest assured, that missing an appointment during the typical cycle of your treatment will not jeopardize the overall treatment outcome.
This forced office closure may delay your treatment, which is very frustrating for all of you, and we sympathize. We ask for all of your patience throughout this process, as there is nothing we can do at this point in time. However, once we are authorized to return to work, we will work diligently, to re-schedule appointments. We will do everything that we can, to complete your treatment as expeditiously as possible, while still focusing on the best quality of care and attention.
During this pandemic, we would like to emphasize that the need to follow our recommendations for the care of your braces and the overall health of your teeth and mouth has never been more important than it is now. Doing so, will also help to avoid or minimize emergency situations.
Some orthodontic emergencies can be dealt with on your own. Please click here for emergency guidance from the Canadian Association of Orthodontists.
If you have an acute emergency that requires immediate attention (trauma, swelling, bleeding or pain that cannot be managed with medications), please email us at, with the name of the patient, telephone number and a description of the problem. Alternatively, you can call the office and someone will get back to you. Please note that our office is only staffed as needed to manage acute patient emergencies. We have been supporting the health of our key administrative staff by having them work remotely. Therefore, please accept our apologies if we are not able to get back to you as quickly as you would hope,
Also, during this unusual time of COVID-19 office closure, we are developing ways to help communicate with you and support the needs of our patients undergoing active orthodontic treatment.
Our office voicemail also provides specific instructions with how you can seek assistance for an acute emergency. Please do not contact us for broken braces, broken wires, or loose/broken retainers, as we are not able to address these issues at this time.
Please do not worry. You are not alone. We are still here for you. We will do everything that we can, to assist all of our patients with their orthodontic emergencies as well as attempting to keep your treatment moving forward as much as we can, during this challenging time.
In addition, we are suggesting that all patients please be as attentive as possible with regard to the condition of their orthodontic appliances, as well as their teeth and mouth. If something doesn’t feel as it should, with your teeth, mouth or with your bite, please contact our office as outlined above. You may also consider using our new Virtual Appointment service or sending us photos of your area of concern, so that we can better assist you.
Ultimately, in the face of this global pandemic, it is all of our responsibility to help stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Please stay safe at home, and stay healthy. This is the only way that we will all be able to return to “normal life” as soon as possible.
We thank you very much for your understanding and cooperation during this time.
We are all really and truly missing all of you, and we cannot wait to see you all again soon in our office.
Dr. David Morrow and the York Mills Orthodontics Team
For all of our orthodontic patients in active treatment or in the retention phase of your treatment, please refer to the following recommendations:
- Maintain excellent oral hygiene, including brushing after meals and flossing daily
- Consider purchasing a fluoride rinse or Prevident toothpaste from your local pharmacy
- Avoid excessive consumption of sweetened beverages or foods, including candy.
1. Invisalign
- Continue to wear and change your aligners as prescribed.
- If you have completed wearing all of your prescribed aligners, please continue to wear your last aligner. DO NOT STOP WEARING YOUR ALIGNERS. You can wear this last aligner at night only to serve as a retainer, to maintain the current alignment of your teeth and prevent shifting. Please contact us so we can advise you with your next steps. Once finished all your aligners, wear your last pair for a minimum of 12 hours until you see us next.
- If you lose or break that aligner, make sure you go to the previous one.
- Continue elastics as prescribed. If unsure, then wear your elastics at night only to maintain current bite correction. If you run out, of elastics, please let us know, so we can advise.
- Brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean.
- This will help to preserve your aligner for a longer period of time. Make sure you keep it clean. Also, please make sure that you do not throw out any of your previously worn aligners, in case you need to revert back to a previous set as a back up. It is essential that you do NOT stop wearing your aligners. Otherwise your teeth will shift undesirably.

2. Braces
- Continue elastics as prescribed. If unsure, then wear your elastics at night only to maintain current bite correction. If you run out, of elastics, please let us know, so we can advise.
- If you have a poking wire, try to trim it using nail clippers or cuticle scissors. You can also use an eraser on the end of a pencil to gently push the wire in the opposite direction from where it is poking. To reduce or eliminate the soft tissue irritation, use wax for temporary relief, as well as rinse with warm salt water or peroxide mixed with water diluted to 50/50.
- If you have a broken bracket which means it is loose on the wire. We know this may be annoying but it is nothing serious. We can repair this when we are able to see you at your next appointment.
- Avoid hard, sticky and chewy foods.
- Brush your teeth a minimum of 2-3 times per day, and please use all of the oral hygiene aids that we have provided you in your kit. A clean mouth is a healthier mouth and less prone to problems.

3. Carriere Appliance
- Continue elastics as prescribed until your previously scheduled appointment, after which switch elastic wear to nights only, and contact our office so we can advise of your next steps.
- If you have missed or will miss your appointment, due to COVID-19, please MOVE TO WEARING ELASTICS ONLY AT NIGHT TIM
- Brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean

4. Bite Correcting Springs (XBow, Springs on Braces)
- Continue with the springs as prescribed until your previously scheduled appointment. If your appointment has been missed or will be missed due to COVID-19, then please contact our office as soon as possible so we can advise regarding your next steps.
- Brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean

5. Expanders
- Continue turning your expander as prescribed and then STOP turning.
- Once you have completed your turns, then continue wearing your expander (and bite plate when included with expander) as prescribed
- Please contact out office so we can advise regarding your next steps
- Brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean.

6. Retainers
- Continue wearing your retainers as prescribed. DO NOT STOP WEARING YOUR RETAINERS.
- If you are less than 6 months out of active orthodontic treatment and you were only wearing your upper retainer at night, but your upper wire retainer breaks, then consider wearing your removable retainer during the day as well.
- Brush your teeth and keep your mouth clean