New Year’s Resolution: Consider Orthodontic Treatment In Toronto!

The benefits of our orthodontic services go far beyond just straightening smiles. Orthodontic treatment can also help raise confidence levels, improve periodontal health, and enhance your abilities to speak and eat.

At York Mills Orthodontics, Dr. David Morrow can help you boost your oral health, and give you a healthy and beautiful smile this year! 

Defining Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is all about aligning teeth and jaws by applying a gentle and controlled force from an orthodontic appliance. Orthodontists use specialized instrumentation such as braces, clear aligners, and Invisalign to guide teeth into their ideal positions over time. The tooth movement occurs through remodelling of the supporting gums and jaw bone.

Health Benefits pf Toronto Orthodontic Treatment

With orthodontic appliances we are able to create beautiful, healthy smiles, improve  facial balance and overall oral health. Straighter teeth often lead to a reduction of tooth decay as well as periodontal disease. Undergoing orthodontic treatment also helps to align jaws, which can assist in any temporo mandibular disorders symptoms you may be experiencing.

Care Tips For Your Appliance

No matter the colour braces you choose, ensure you keep your teeth, elastics, and brackets clean at all times. Dr. Morrow will provide you with everything you need to know to look after your teeth and braces  including  care tips after installation, which will include:

  • Avoid eating sticky and hard foods.
  • Limit sugary drinks and snacks.
  • Brush and floss your teeth after every meal.

If you choose Invisalign, care tips are as followed:

  • Clean the aligners whenever you remove them.
  • Brush and floss your teeth thoroughly before placing the alginer back in.
  • Don’t use hot water when cleaning.

Receive Orthodontic Treatment in Toronto!

To get the smile of your dreams, and improve your oral health at the same time, get in touch with our team! Fill out a contact request form or call 1.866.486.4876. We’d love to take you through the available options, including braces, orthodontics for kids, Invisalign and more!

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